The Cost-Effective Signiant Alternative

Shuttle Over To An All-Inclusive UDP Transfer Accelerated Solution

Signiant Alternative for MFT software

Filemail is a Signiant alternative that uses the same underlying technology, UDP, to enable accelerated file transfer speeds, resulting in speedily sharing big files. There are however some differences between our sharing service. We offer a range of plans, from free plans, to paid plans that come with a free trial. Our premium plan for corporations who require managed file transfer services, also comes with a free trial.

Furthermore, Signiant doesn't offer any secure cloud storage space, and thus the ramifications on compliancy for data at rest, and subsequent security features would need to be addressed by another party. Signiant offers a few transfer solutions when it comes to Managed File Transfers, and different packages within those solutions. In this comparison we’ll be looking at Media Shuttle For Enterprises.

Why We Are A Better Signiant Alternative

$ 40. 83 7500 stabcarting From a year $

Economical Pricing Structure

Pricing for Signiant Media Shuttle for enterprises starts at $7500 per year. This pricing can rise considerably as this is just a starting point yet to take into account the number of active users. Because Signiant doesn’t provide storage space, you will also have to factor in the cost of storage, be it in the cloud or on-premise.

$ 40. 83 7500 stabcarting From a year $
Filemail MFT with simple configuration

Sign Up & Start Sharing Within Minutes

Installing the Signiant app, configuring ports, network permissions, cookie management, registry settings, and a whole host of other tasks need to be implemented in order to start using Signiant. Multiply this with the number of end-users required, and it is a considerable length of time before you can transfer files. With Filemal, you'll be uploading files, and sharing within minutes.

Filemail Signiant
ISO27001 ?
GPG13 ?

Compliant With Major Mandates

Signiant works with many partners. These partners are compliant with a number of mandates, but the specific regulations vary, depending on which partner you work with. Because actual compliancy for data at rest is not in their hands, this means further time delays due to assessing suitable partners. We are upfront with the mandates we comply with as seen in the table.

Filemail Signiant
ISO27001 ?
GPG13 ?

Comparing Filemail and Signiant Enterprise Packages

The table below shows a side-by-side comparison of the features provided by Filemail and Signiant enterprise packages.

Filemail Signiant
Cost $40.83 a User / Month Starting at $7'500
Storage Capacity

5 TB / User
(More on request)

Not Included
Files Available Forever ?
Max File Size Unlimited Unlimited
UDP File Transfer Acceleration
Unlimited Bandwidth
Delivery Tracking
Encrypted Data Transfer (HTTPS)
Anti-Virus Protection
Password Protection
Custom Subdomain
Customization & Branding
Address Book
Upload Form On Your Website
Receive Files
Multiple user accounts
Choose Data Location ?
Priority Support
Mac, Windows iOs, Android, API
2 Factor Data Protection
SAML / Single Sign-On
Regulatory Compliance
Multiple incoming pages
Access To Penetration Tests

Filemail Enterprise MFT Account Benefits

$ 40. 83 7500 stabcarting From a year $

Better Value For Money

Signiant is far more expensive than Filemail, and that's not taking into account the additional costs of storage, compliant systems, and configuration, to name but a few things.

Filemail MFT data storage compliant
Compliant Storage Included

Signiant doesn’t provide any form of storage, be it in the cloud or on-premise. We on the other hand, provide 5 TB per user, and our storage facilities adhere to various legislative mandates.

anti-virus protection built in

Anti-Virus Protection

Considering the many threats to data privacy and security anti-virus protection is an absolute must. Signiant doesn’t provide any anti-virus. At Filemail, anti-virus is built-in.

anti-virus protection built in

Multiple incoming pages

Filemail enables you to create multiple incoming pages so you can create different portals. For example each client and each project can have their own dedicated front end incoming page.

Some Of Our Enterprise Clients

  • Austrian Film Commission
  • British Film Institute
  • Bullhouse Media
  • Clear Channel
  • Collage Of Legal Practice
  • Discovery Channel 2019
  • Spare Bank

Client Testimonials

Tero Juhani Kojo (KunaLoop Corporation OY LTD)

We make VoiceBooks and short documentaries here in Finland. Filemail dot com is defenately a very reliable route to send files to our clients all over the world... and quite affordable, too ;)

Fabio Dondina (BlueWin)

I have been using Filemail for several years with great satisfaction. It is a very fast service, especially with the Filemail Desktop application, both for uploading and for downloading. Furthermore you can easily upload files over 2 GB and the localization in Italian makes everything easy and immediate. 

Serenity Creations Online

Great experience with FileMail! I send large files to clients and receive files from them as well. I have tried a lot of solutions for this, but nothing comes cIose to FileMail... give 5 stars!